Lurchs Homepage Blog


Drupal and Zeus Rewrite

If you are reading this page, the chances are you are one of the lucky people to end up with hosting on a Zeus server rather than Apache so unable to use the Clean...


Joomla SEF and Zeus Rewrite

f you are looking at this page the chances are that you have installed Joomla on your hosting, though discovered that rather than running Apache and mod_rewrite they are running Zeus which uses Zeus...


WordPress and Zeus Rewrite

If you are looking at this page the chances are that you having hosting with a company running Zeus web servers and you are trying to run WordPress with its Permalinks. As you have...


Possibly cheapest SSL ever?

I have purchased an SSL certificate for one of my sites, and has ended up being one of the Cheapest SSL certificates I have seen for sale from a well known SSL provider. Comodo...


Basic steps to secure your WordPress Blog

WordPress is one of the most popular pieces of Blog software and CMS software in the world. As a result it unfortunately is one of the most targeted scripts online for exploiting. However there...